Sunday, June 17, 2012

sunday thoughts in recife.

I didn't think it was possible, but today was an even more beautiful day than yesterday.
when we got up, I looked out the window & said "jordan does the ocean look prettier than yesterday?"
& he was like "I was thinking the same thing"
the ocean was sparkling. literally.
the tide was super low & you could see all of the reef.
there were fisherman and kids who all walked out and long the reef.
it was just a gorgeous day.

we went to 9am church in our new ward for the next 5 weeks-jardim piedade.
the ward was so amazing, unlike any brazilian ward I've ever been to.
(I bet the jones  have made such a huge difference in that ward with their influence)
it was fast & testimony meeting since last week was the temple dedication & the week before was stake conference.
everyone got up & everyone wanted to share their testimony at the pulpit.
with 4 minutes left, there were still 7 people on the stage!
they all told stories & bore the sweetest testimonies.
I was very proud of myself because I could understand most all of it until a young boy up there to talk & it all went right over my head.

I went to "new member ward" sunday school with Bonnie because she likes to go to that class because they put the Gospel in very simple language that she can understand.
(when in all reality she speaks wonderful portuguese & probably doesn't need that)
but it was good for me because I had to keep poking Jordan and asking him what different church words meant..I am church word non-fluent.
(unlike all these return missionaries with us)

relief society was very nice & the women were all so great.
I met the women that helped bonnie make our macaxeira casserole, Carla, & she was lovely. Her son is the #1 mathmatician in all of Brazil & he's 16! There even was a picture with him & the President of Brazil. How cool is that?
I also met a young girl around my age that is getting married in a few weeks named aline & she was so sweet too. 

We have a total of 9 BYU students in that ward!
It was fun seeing all of our friends at church today.

After we were done with church, 
I was taking pictures of the church & road
(the second picture on the top)
& the boys from church stopped me and told me not to do that.
"a lot of people get assaulted on this road"

In the south I never worried about anything, never worried about my safety or carrying my camera around.
I guess I was naive but in all my trips to brazil never did I ever encounter any danger.
Now I'm a little more cautious but I'm still learning.

To break our fast Bonnie made us this huge delicious dinner.
(she has been making us such extravagant meals!)
we had salmon with honey/mustard sauce, snap peas, baked potatoes, rolls & fruit salad.
She even made pork chops special for jordan.
not very brazilian, but delicious! 

Tomorrow we start classes at ABA
(association brazilian america).
We have to find the bus in the morning so hopefully we get there with no problems.
We got lucky with the most organized, OCD roommate (he refers himself as that) everr so we are depending on him to get us there :P

Tonight there is a couple from our ward that is hanging out with us & bonnie made us all strawberry shortcake. Surprisingly I can understand everything he's saying. He keeps calling me priscilla ..and now fernanda. I mean he can call me that if he wants but I've been telling everyone my name is CYNTHIA. (pronounced: seen-tcha)
I think he's doing it on purpose..
Anyways, he's pretty funny & his wife is so nice.

Well, today was a perfect sunday in paradise.
I love our new ward.
& I love this place!

new words learned:
secando (not in the drying version, but as in checking out girls)
barraca (stand)


  1. I just read all of your updates! I am happy things are going so wonderfully! I am pretty jealous of your bedroom view-so beautiful!

  2. i just found your blog & loved reading your posts about recife! i sure do miss that place. (i'm the oldest jones girl, the one that skyped the family sunday.:)-i found your blog through morgan's. :)

    im jealous you're enjoying my mom's cooking. she's great isn't she?

    hope you don't mind if i follow along, i've been trying to get my mom to blog about all the everyday stuff that happens down there (but she never really got into it) i love reading about all the people in the ward--i miss them all so much!

    oh, & you and your hubby are so cute!
