Sunday, June 17, 2012

stories of life in recife part I

Tonight we began hearing stories of life in Recife. 

Our friend, Manuel from the ward, told us stories about the poor in recife.  There are some places extremely poor in this area. He said there are people who will use water to cook some fish, use the same water to take a bath..and then if there is water left over they will use the same water to drink.
& that's life in recife.

He also said a little while ago there was so much rain and flooding that 1000 people died. He said that he saw a young girl, covered in trash with just her little face sticking out. He said that it was the only way to avoid the hide under the trash.

We also learned that the nordestinos love Lula-the last president of brazil. They are like a God to him because he helped the lower class so much. So do not say anything negative about Lula!!

Another thing we learned is that there is a lot of racism between states in brazil.

& so began the stories of life in recife. 

1 comment:

  1. oh my heck. this experience sounds so neat! i love it all. and all your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!
