Wednesday, June 27, 2012

relaxing day.

watching the european soccer cup semi-finals-spain vs. portugal. 
Today we got up at our usual time around 7, got ready for school and checked facebook before leaving for school at 8. We had a post in our facebook study abroad group that the buses were on strike today. Considering we ride about 5 buses a day in total, that was BAD news. Or was it good news? It ended up being good news :) Vanessa decided that due to the lack of transportation, we wouldn't be able to go to Peixinhos for our internship in the afternoon. It was funny how happy people were with that news..even though we love going there, I think everyone wanted a break of the buses.

Luckily, our host dad gave us a ride to school so we didn't have to take a taxi. We had such a good class too & we watched a movie called Behind the Sun (Abril Despedacado) about a family in the dry lands (sertao) in northeast brazil.  The story behind this movie is that there are two families in a family feud-the breves & the ferreiras. They have this ongoing war going on between the two families and it is this never ending cycle of killing. One family kills one member of the other family and then the other family seeks vengeance and kills the killer and so on and so forth. Basically an "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" kinda idea. When Tonio, the 20 year old son, kills the killer of his brother Ignacio he feels so much pain for what he did that he goes to the family during the funeral and asks for a truce. Well, he is not granted one. They hang the shirt of their dead son, covered in blood, on a line, and when the shirt turns yellow it will be there turn to seek vengeance.

Basically, its a story of this boy Tonio trying to break this cycle by fleeing and leaving his family in order to avoid his fate which is to die as well.

There was so much symbolism in the video that it was so amazing to watch...after we watched about the first half we stopped and discussed all the symbolism in the movie. The colors, the shapes, the oxen, the pictures, the doors, etc it was amazing. We get to finish the movie tomorrow & I'm excited.

We usually have lunch every day together as a group, and today we went to Shopping Recife and had lunch at a place called Chinatown. Vivan's dad is the owner of Chinatown so he gave us all 50% off discount (its normally 42R a kilo) & it was really good!

After, we were going to go on a water tour on a boat and to recife antigo but it started to rain so we had to cancel all our plans! Oh the boys were so happy (and cristina) to be able to watch the spain and portugal match. So that's what we did!

Now, we have to make like a hundred cookies for our little carnival tomorrow!

until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That same thing happened to me in Europe all the time! The buses, trains, and Metros would all go on strikes on random days! Especially in Portugal, Italy and France. There were a lot of protests in Spains with huge mobs of people marching through the city, but thankfully not so much of the entire shut down of public transportation, because we used that a lot while we were in Spain!!

    PS: YAYYYY Espana!!! ;)
