Tuesday, June 19, 2012

first field trip!

today we had to take the bus to our classes at ABA and it is one scary experience taking a local bus in brazil. I mean it's like they are ZOOMING through the city like a roller coaster & everyone is basically on top of you and falling all over you & even though its only 7 miles away, it was still a 45 minute bus ride. Luckily we got there right on time & classes started soon after. We spent about an hour talking about the brazilian "jeitinho" or (way, manner) & then our professor decided it was time for us to take a little break. We were all pretty exhausted & not participating very much so when we were done with our break our teacher said "I hope you all are WIDE awake! We are leaving. Right now. Field trip time." So we traveled to what I think was like a suburb of olinda called peixinhos (litle fishes). 

We arrived at what seemed like our destination but we weren't absolutely sure. After a few minutes we were invited in where we spent time talking to a few of the people who work there & spent some time presenting ourselves. Everyone clapped for me when I said that I was studying "fonoaudiologia" & it was really funny.. That word is a lot harder to say than "historia" or "portugues" so I'm glad my practice of that has paid off. Haaa!

Anyways, after some chatting and then explaining what they do and where they come from, we went to lunch & then a exhibit that was walking distance from the center.  

In front of the place we visited for our internship.

This is our group in a circle presenting ourselves. The man with the beanie thing is our contact for our internship. He is apparently really good at graffiti & is going to teach us. The boy next to him in red is 20 years old. He says that he is married & lives with his wife here. I don't think they have children. He said that kites saved his life. I had a lot of trouble with their really thick accents & a lot of things I didn't understand. But from what I could understand was that he survived off of making kites in the streets. He said that he would ask his neighbors to borrow this or that in order to make his kite, and then he would sell it. He actually had to stop talking because he was in tears telling us about how he made his living on the streets selling manmade kites. But he's a really nice man. He's going to teach us how to make some kites. 

Group photo! The boy on the top left had pretty much every girl drooling in there. He looks like he walked out of an abercrombie magazine so the girls were freaking out. Until they found out he is just an 18 year old boy from belgium. HAHAHA! (don't worry vanessa, I had the girls in line. No flirting!)

We went to this super old butcher shop? It was kinda creepy.

Then we went up this tower thing that was a million flights of stairs (well it felt like that since my legs hurt from yesterday!) but it was so worth it because we got to see this incredible view of olinda & recife in the distance.

Recife in the distance.

Jordan made friends with the kids & he juggled with them. Oh the many hidden talents of Jordan.

Michele and I fell in love with this little boy. He was gorgeous. He is black with blue/green eyes. I asked Jordan to take a picture of us and zoom in on his face and he took that literally haha. Cutie!

Okay and lastly, I had to include our dessert from yesterday. Homemade dessert pizza! It was delicious! She is an amazing cook! I tell her she is like a culinary artist! No exaggeration either. 


  1. i cant believe what you wrote about me. HILARIOUS

  2. I love your blog! You should teach a class about blogging to all of us:)

  3. i agree.... that pizza was so good!!!
