Thursday, July 26, 2012

turtles in bahia.

on our second day in salvador, 
we rode about 1.5 hours to visit a little turtle sanctuary!
It was amazing seeing how large sea turtles can get, and seeing the baby turtles was so fun.
It was like a mini mini sea world "bahia" style with turtles, fish, string rays and sharks.
We were able to pet the sting rays & that was really cool :)

what I couldn't believe was that the sharks pool was not gated off or anything!
I literally sat against the shark pool on the mini wall of the pool... what if a kid jumped up and decided to go for a swim! & these were big sharks! Ahh Brazil!

anyways, it was such a fun trip & I loved seeing the turtles!

afterwards, we got back on the bus and drove another hour or so to another beach that was really nice here in Bahia. It was a lot more secluded than the other beaches we've been to so it was really relaxing. 

 Our first stop on our tour was at this lake that has this legend that it was created by an indian woman whose tears created the water and her wedding veil made the sand. Supposedly, handsome men should not get close to the water or else she will beg them to come inside.

sea turtles 
sting rays

at the beach near the turtle sanctuary

beaches of bahia :)

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